Yarn: Berkshire Bulky in a color I think of as sage green, but I believe is actually called "mistletoe"
Needles: size 8 DPNs, wooden
Pattern: Bella's Mittens, modified to be 2 stitches wider, started at Row 16 (instead of Row 1, obviously), and with a hugs-n-kisses cable instead of the horseshoe cable specified in the pattern.
Verdict: I continue to love the yarn and the pattern. I've been gradually tweaking the pattern as I knit these (one modification per pair, thus far.) This is the fourth variant I've done. My next scheduled modifications are to make it fingerless (that should be a no-brainer as long as I plan the cables correctly) and to downsize it for a 6-year-old's birthday present. I was hoping to just knit the same pattern in Berkshire (non-bulky), but the recipient wants the super-squishy-thickness of Berkshire Bulky so I will try to intelligently downsize the pattern.
I've already cast on for the 2nd of the sage green mittens. Then I have to cycle back and knit the second of the light blue ones.
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