This is Ishbel, knit from some purchased-very-long-ago silky fingering merino from Sundara. Sorry about the lousy photos... it was 5 minutes before I had to take it off the blocking wires and I had no assistant. I don't recall any details of it, except that the stockinette part seemed to take forever and the lace was over in a flash.
This is a Moebius scarf in Boku, knit for my MIL. I also made a matching one for my FIL but forgot to take a picture of it. His was cream rather than light grey. Knit almost six months ago, they were Christmas presents and I now have no idea what needles or anything else I used to knit them.
I actually should have another scarf for this post, but the photos won't download properly. It's another Moebius scarf. I'll get pictures of it up soon... promises, promises.
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