My cousin admired the grey and dark blue sets of Bella's Mittens that she saw me making over the summer. She requested cranberry red, elbow length, and fingerless ("hobo style" my aunt calls them.)
I am now almost to the bind-off point of the first mitten, but am stalled by a serious conundrum: should I go back to ribbing for the last 1/2 inch? I'm currently waiting for her input on whether the top should be tight, loose, or tight-but-stretchy.
Flash-distorted color here: it really is quite close to cranberry. (I get a huge kick out of looking like a wooden porcupine attacked my hand...)

I made the Nutkin mitts with a folded st st hem and they're comfortable. The fetching have a picot edge. I don't think you need it gathered and ribbed at the top.