A long vacation provided lots of knitting time, although most of it had to be of the "low concentration" variety since I was also catching up with family members whom we mostly see once a year. Hence the Noro scarf: 4 skeins of Kureyon in two discontinued colorways from WEBS. I followed Jared's pattern except for casting on only 35 stitches.
The mittens then followed as the Olympics started. No specific pattern; I just used the experience gained over the past year plus a lot of trying-on and ripping-back.

I'm not entirely happy with the colors, but the combination is so cheerful and autumnal (my season!) that I'm sure I'll wear them anyway. I'm now contemplating the construction of a matching pair of fingerless mittens, too.
You don't have to convince me about Noro. I think I've knit 40 skeins of it.