Tuesday, February 22, 2011

10 on Tuesday: ten favorite cocktails

At first I was a little grumpy about this topic... I mean, I barely drink, and when I do drink it's just a beer or a glass of wine. But then I started remembering my early 20s, when I did go to bars with my friends and we did compete to order the craziest cocktail we had ever heard about.

1) White Russian
2) Toasted Almond
3) Mai Thai
4) Sex on the Beach (DH and I still order this one at our local Chinese restaurant...)
5) Margarita
6) Martini (I first made one after hearing the Tom Lehrer song: "Hearts full of youth, hearts full of truth, six parts gin to one part vermouth!")
7) Fuzzy Navel (although I think this is even better when made as a milkshake: peach schnapps, orange juice, and peach ice cream.)
8) Pom-tini

and I truly can't think of anything else I've liked! Sad, isn't it? Is there a special name for all of those hot chocolate + liquor drinks?

1 comment:

  1. When I was young enough to enjoy these drinks, I didn't have the money. My favourite, after a dry martini was Irish Coffee.
